Saturday, March 31, 2012

this is a blog post

Once upon a time my parents told me that they read my blog and found it alarming and it made them cry because I was so irreligious so I stopped posting on my blog. Also they stopped reading it, so I guess I can update this blog again, except now I have a tumblr and it is more fun sometimes.

that is the end of the blog post.


  1. I actually had issues with my parents reading my blog too. They found my blog too negative. Which made it really, really, really hard for me to want to write anything on my blog because I felt like it wouldn't be genuine, it would be some sort of cop-out that my parents would find "acceptable". It's tough. I feel your pain.

  2. Daaaw, thanks, Matt. Heaven only knows what would happen if my parents ever found my tumblr...or my twitter...yikes. I think you're great, though, and so is your great blog!
